Franmarine Srl (sea carrier) undertakes to transport the passenger in the manner provided for in the General Travel / Transport Conditions indicated below. Before purchasing the ticket, the passenger is obliged and undertakes to examine, observe and fully accept the items below. These Travel / Transportation Conditions are understood to be fully accepted by the passenger at the time of purchasing the ticket. The company assumes the transport of passengers and accompanying baggage in accordance with the provisions of the following General Travel / Transport Conditions, in accordance with the rules set out in Articles 396 and ss. of the Navigation Code, of the EU Regulation / 1177/2010 and of the EC / 392/2009 Regulation where applicable. This discipline is adequately advertised on board ships, at all port ticket offices, company offices and on the website (www.gstravel.ue). The General Travel / Transport conditions of the company (sea carrier) are also reported and / or referred to on the ticket (also through the QR code and specific link), however communicated and / or delivered together with it and in any case form an integral part of it. The information relating to passenger rights, contained therein, in compliance with EU Regulation / 1177/2010 is available on the website (www.gstravel.eu), on board the ships, at all port ticket offices. Pursuant to Article 19 paragraph 6 of EU Reg. 1177/2010, the minimum threshold below which economic compensation is not provided is equal to 6 (six) euros. The General Travel / Transport Conditions are subject to variations and modifications in order to make them consistent with the applicable updated legislation. In any case, the text of the same, examined, observed and accepted at the time of purchase of the ticket, reported and / or recalled on the ticket (also through the QR code and specific link) and / or in any case delivered at the time of purchase, in any case always accessible and available on the Company's website (www.gstravel.ue), is valid for the purpose of identifying the content of the contract. Passenger means any person who has entered into a contract for the sea transport of persons with Franmarine Srl (sea carrier) and, consequently, holds a ticket issued by the carrier through its direct sales channels (ticket offices). , website) and / or indirect (agencies and / or tour operators authorized or through other intermediary however authorized by the Company) and that travels on the Company's vessels
Art. 2 - TICKET
By ticket we mean the travel document proving the conclusion of the transport contract, or passage ticket pursuant to art. 396 of the Navigation Code. The purchase of the ticket implies, by the passenger, the unconditional acceptance, for all legal purposes, of the following General Conditions of Travel / Transport of passengers and luggage. Similarly, when booking and / or purchasing the ticket, the passenger authorizes the processing of personal data in the manner specified in the specific Privacy Policy pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). The passenger must have a regular ticket which is personal and non-transferable. The ticket is valid only for the day indicated on it. At the time of delivery, the passenger is required to verify that all the data on the ticket are correct, to keep it, to justify his / her right to travel, and to show it, together with a valid identity document, to any Ship's officer or control officer upon request. The carrier assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions reported later. In compliance with the legislation on Security, the names of the passengers, the data regarding the valid identity documents indicated on the ticket must necessarily correspond to the passengers (see also art.17 of these General Travel / Transport Conditions) . Otherwise, access to the port gates and boarding will be refused. The advertised offers and conditions may be subject to change up to the time the ticket is issued. In case of impediment to the departure of the passenger or his impossibility to make the trip (due to death, accident, illness, etc.) the contract is automatically terminated and a quarter of the fare is due. In these cases, in addition to the communication of the impediment, it must be transmitted to the carrier, also through the agency or authorized tour operator, or other intermediary authorized by the company, in the event that the ticket was purchased through them, who will promptly communicate it to the carrier, with appropriate documentation certifying the cause of the impediment. However, if the carrier is not informed of the impediment before departure, the full net passage price is due (art. 400 of the nav. Code). No reimbursement will be paid to those who do not show up for departure by the time and deadline set for boarding as specified in art. 5 of these General Travel / Transport Conditions.
The withdrawal and cancellation of the trip by the will of the passenger (other than the hypothesis of impediment or impossibility of the passenger provided for in Article 2 of these General Conditions of Travel / Transport) must be communicated to the company (carrier) directly, or also through an agency or tour operator or other intermediary authorized by the Company, where the ticket was purchased through them, by sending an email to be sent to the email address info@gstravel.eu. Where the cancellation of the trip depends on the express will of the passenger to withdraw from the contract, a penalty will be applied calculated as a percentage of the purchase price which varies according to the notice times of the communication of withdrawal made by the customer / passenger according to the scheme shown. right away:
UP TO 25 DAYS BEFORE 10% of the ticket price
FROM 24 TO 8 DAYS BEFORE 25% of the ticket price
FROM 7 DAYS TO 24H BEFORE 50% of the ticket price
FROM 24 h BEFORE 100% of the ticket price
The passenger can change the departure date by paying a penalty of 20 euros. If there is an increase in the price of the new chosen date, the passenger will have to pay the difference in price. No reimbursement is due by the carrier in the event that the price of the new chosen date should be lower. It is possible to change the name on the ticket only once for free. In case of purchase of promotional rates, the aforementioned conditions do not apply, the specific conditions indicated in the offer will prevail.
In case of loss or theft of the ticket (ticket), the customer / passenger must immediately report it to the carrier in case of direct purchase from its sales channels (ticket offices and website) or to the agency or tour operator or other intermediary. authorized by the Company, where the ticket was purchased through them, which will inform the carrier promptly. The duplicate can be issued only on condition that the original ticket is not already used, upon presentation of an identity document.
Passengers are required to arrive for boarding at least 1 hour before the departure time to complete customs / check-in formalities on time. Once the deadline for boarding has elapsed, in the event of failure to show up, the passenger is required to pay the full price of the transport (Article 401 of the naval code) and, therefore, will not be entitled to a refund, even partial, of the price paid. Passengers who do not show up in time for check-in, or who do not board the ship, are not entitled to a refund, even partial, of the price paid. Passengers who have checked in must embark directly and not stop on the quay. On high-speed craft, during navigation, passengers are required to remain seated in their seats and to respect the safety rules that will be explained on board as well as the rules of conduct referred to in Article 14 of these General Travel / Transport Conditions.
Furthermore, no refunds will be recognized in the following cases:
- denied boarding for security reasons (in the cases referred to in Article 15 of these General Travel / Transport Conditions), even if the passenger arrives within the times and terms of boarding indicated above;
- if the passenger is in possession of documentation not suitable for disembarkation at the port of destination (by way of example but not limited to: lack of identity document or identity document expired, or not suitable for travel). The passenger is responsible for the regularity (endorsements, visas, deadlines, suitability, etc.) of all documents necessary for boarding and disembarking at the place of destination and is required to collect all information on the necessary documentation.
- if the passenger does not show up in time for boarding after checking in;
- if the passenger is not indicated in the ticket names.
Art. 6 - BAGGAGE
Hand luggage with a maximum weight of 15 kg is allowed, maximum dimensions allowed 65x45x30 cm, sum of the 3 sides not exceeding 140 cm. Excess weight and measurements are subject to the rate of € 5 per kg and € 5 per cm in excess (to be paid at the port). Extra packages or baggage must be reported at the time of ticket purchase and will be subject to the excess rate. In any case, bulky baggage (surf, inflated dinghies, etc.) are not allowed. The baggage must contain exclusively personal items of the passenger ordinarily carried in suitcases, travel bags, boxes, boxes and the like. The baggage is handled by the passenger who is also responsible for its contents.
All passengers, adults and children, must travel with a valid identification document. Passengers under the age of 14 cannot travel alone but must travel accompanied by adult passengers (parents and / or adults in custody) and be in possession of a valid individual identity document, in accordance with the provisions of the EC Regulation n. 2252/2004. They must be constantly supervised by their parents and / or adults who have their custody and cannot circulate on the ship without being accompanied. Under no circumstances will the carrier be liable for damage to minors in violation of the above. Minors between the ages of 14 and 18 can travel alone, provided they are in possession of a written authorization from the parental authority which releases the carrier from any liability.
Connections with Croatia
Passport / identity card valid for expatriation: it is necessary to travel with a valid identification document (passport or identity card valid for expatriation). The residual validity of the requested passport is ninety (90) days from the expected date of conclusion of the stay. The identification document must be valid and suitable according to the chosen destination (passport or identity card valid for expatriation.
In the cases provided for by the Navigation Code and in cases of objective necessity and / or force majeure, due to unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances or other justified reasons, the carrier has the right to cancel the scheduled departure, to modify the itinerary (adding or omitting stopovers), to vary the port of departure. The Captain, for the cases provided for by the Navigation Code and in cases of objective necessity and / or force majeure, for unforeseeable, unavoidable, extraordinary, adverse weather-marine circumstances, or other justified reasons, also to safeguard safety and safety of passengers and to provide assistance, has full power to tow and assist, for rescue reasons, other naval units in any circumstance, to deviate from the ordinary route in any direction, for any distance and for any purpose of necessity attributable to its duties of Captain, as required by the Navigation Code and International Conventions. It may, in this sense, in cases of absolute necessity and urgency (by way of example and not limited to, to preserve and guarantee the safety of passengers), vary the itinerary of the naval unit, even if in the opposite direction or beyond the usual route, transfer passengers and vehicles on any other vessel or means of transport, whether or not belonging to the carrier, bound for the port of destination. The carrier, where the ticket has been purchased directly from the same (at the port offices, ticket offices or website) or the agencies, tour operators or other intermediaries authorized by the Company, where the passenger has purchased the ticket through them, will provide any information about any changes in the travel itinerary, delays in departure or arrival, in time, where the reasons that constitute the cause occur before departure, or are known or knowable before the same. In any case, the carrier and the agencies / tour operators or other authorized intermediaries remain at the complete disposal of passengers to provide any useful information and clarification both before departure (also regarding the confirmation of timetables and travel programs / itineraries) and during the voyage.
Passengers are invited for any need, requirement and information to contact the agencies, tour operator or other authorized intermediary, from which they purchased the ticket or the carrier directly through the contacts available on the website www.gstravel.eu where they are published and can also be consult these General Travel / Transport Conditions and the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
In case of impediment of departure for reasons not attributable to the company (carrier), a full refund of the ticket price is provided (art. 402 of the nav. Code). Where the departure is canceled by the company (carrier) for justified reasons or other various reasons that made the cancellation of the trip inevitable, the contract will be considered terminated, with the passenger's right to a full refund of the ticket price. Where the minimum number of passengers required to allow the trip is not reached, with reference to the single trip planned and booked by the customer / passenger (bookings for each trip must be no less than 60), the company (carrier) will reserves the right to cancel the trip with a commitment to inform the customer / passenger at least 20 days in advance, including through agencies, tour operators, or other intermediaries from which the customer purchased the ticket. The passenger will be entitled to a full refund of the ticket or, if the customer accepts, alternatively, he will be entitled to make the trip on another available date. In the event of a delay in the departure of the company's ship (carrier) exceeding 90 minutes, the passenger has the right to choose, alternatively, between alternative transport and ticket refund. In case of delay on arrival at the final destination, the passenger is entitled to a refund of the 25% of the ticket price when the delay is at least: 1 hour in a journey lasting up to 4 hours; 2 hours in a trip lasting between 4 and 8 hours. If the delay exceeds double the time indicated in the previous cases, the economic compensation is equal to 50 % of the ticket price (EU Regulation 1177/2010). In the event of an interruption of the current journey due to force majeure, the fare is due in proportion to the length of the journey effectively traveled (Article 405 of the Naval Code).
Without prejudice to the passenger's reimbursement rights pursuant to art. 9 above, the carrier is not responsible for damages deriving from delay or failure or incorrect execution of the transport, as well as cancellation, suppression, impediment of the journey if the event that caused the damage is not attributable to the carrier but derives, from by way of non-exhaustive example, from adverse weather and sea conditions, which by their nature can also be sudden, unpredictable and inevitable, strikes, unpredictable and inevitable technical failures not attributable to the carrier, acts of war or piracy, shipwrecks, collisions, fires , maritime accident due to the fact of the third party and in any case not attributable to the carrier, suspension or suppression of landings or lines, changes in itineraries and timetables not attributable to the carrier and any other cause to it in any case not attributable or attributable to the fact of the third, also in compliance with the provisions of the Navigation Code and EU Regulation n.1177 / 2010. Under no circumstances can the carrier be held responsible for the delay due to port operations.
ART. 11 - PETS
The vehicles of the company, due to their technical characteristics, are intended only for "fast transport for Passengers". In fact, they do not have cages or places specifically intended for the transport of pets. The transport of a maximum of one pet accompanying the passenger is allowed, under the following conditions:
- during the entire duration of the trip, small dogs must be equipped with a muzzle and a leash or, alternatively, remain inside the suitable "carrier"; Cats and other small pets, on the other hand, must necessarily be kept in a suitable "carrier", as well as birds in special cages.
- animals must be transported in such conditions that they cannot cause damage or inconvenience to other Passengers and / or to the vessel; The Company reserves the right to request, before boarding, health certification attesting to the state of good health and the vaccination booklet of the animal. Certifications showing release dates prior to 90 days from the departure date will not be considered valid. Maintenance, custody and care of the animals during transport are at the expense and risk of the Passenger, who is required to comply with the health provisions dictated on the matter by the Competent Authorities. The Passenger undertakes to indemnify the Company from any liability and / or burden that may arise from it as a consequence or as a result of its non-compliance with the aforementioned regulations, as well as with existing laws on the subject.
- the cost of the passage for animals is 5 euros each way.
In compliance with the Regulations for the execution of the Maritime Navigation Code DPR n.328 of 15.2.1952, Article 384 provides: "Passengers, upon boarding, must deliver to the Captain of the Ship, who will keep them until the moment of disembarkation, the weapons and ammunition in their possession. The withdrawal of weapons or ammunition from those who hold them due to their office or service is allowed only for serious and ascertained reasons to be indicated with a specific declaration at the time of withdrawal. " Failure to report the transport of weapons is sanctioned on the basis of art. 1199 second paragraph of the Navigation Code, unless it constitutes a more serious crime.
The carrier may require valid identification when applying for discounted fares, for example for: a) infants, b) children. Discounts must be requested at the time of booking. At the end of the trip, no refunds can be requested. The right to FREE transport is for: children up to the age of 1 without seat assignment. A special safety belt will be provided. Children aged between 2 and 11 are entitled to a 50% discount on the passenger ticket price. For more information about the discounts, contact the carrier at the contacts indicated on the site.
Group fares can be requested from the carrier or travel agencies. A group consists of a minimum of 20 paying adult passengers.
Food and beverages
Food and drinks are not included in the ticket price.
Evaluate on board
The currency used on board is the euro.
The passenger, from the moment of embarkation and until disembarkation, must comply with the provisions given by the Ship Command. The passenger must also base his behavior on the rules of common diligence and prudence, ensuring his own safety and safety, of the people and animals that are in his custody, as well as on the safety of his belongings, and this in particular where it is most necessary. the weather and sea conditions of the trip require. The passenger is required to maintain a civil and respectful behavior, avoiding any offensive or harmful attitude towards other passengers and navigation personnel as well as the safety and public hygiene rules. In particular, he must not dirty the seats and furnishings or throw objects on the ground or in the sea or outside the special containers designed for waste collection, he must use the toilets without causing damage, clogging or soiling. , must conform its behavior to the instructions and indications given by the on-board personnel during navigation. Furthermore, he must not occupy more than one seat per single person, taking into account that the purchase of the ticket does not constitute an automatic right with regard to the availability of seats and since the ship's capacity, in terms of the maximum number of transportable people, determined on the basis of specific regulations in force. Furthermore, he must not occupy spaces adjacent to the safety devices.
The company (carrier) guarantees the reception on board of passengers with specific health needs. The latter is governed by Legislative Decree no. 52 of 8 March 2005, by the implementing circulars issued by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, by EU Reg. 1177/2010. Passengers with reduced mobility are considered to be persons whose mobility is reduced due to any physical disability (sensory or motor, permanent or temporary), disability or intellectual incapacity, or for any other cause of disability, pregnant or people with reduced mobility for reasons of age, the condition of which requires adequate attention and an adaptation or particular precautions of the service provided to all passengers, in order to be able to respond to specific needs. The Company (carrier) accepts the booking of people with disabilities or reduced mobility who request it under the same conditions as all other passengers and undertakes to provide assistance without further additional charges. If the person with disabilities or reduced mobility is assisted by an accompanying person, the latter may request to provide the necessary assistance in the port as well as in the boarding and disembarking phases. For blind people, the Company (carrier) provides a discount equal to 50% of the ticket price for the accompanying passenger. Passengers with ongoing clinical cases must be in possession of suitable medical certification, issued by a State structure, in original, dated no earlier than 48 hours before departure. Passengers who must be transported exclusively on a stretcher must be accompanied by at least one person capable of providing the assistance requested. Persons with disabilities or persons with reduced mobility are required to notify the company (carrier), at the time of booking or early ticket purchase, of their specific needs and requirements for the accommodation, seat, services requested , or the need to carry medical devices provided such needs or requirements are known at that time. For any other type of assistance or requirement, persons with reduced mobility must notify the carrier, including through the agency, tour operator or other intermediary authorized by the Company, where the purchase of the ticket has been made through them, with at least 48 hours in advance, and arrive at the designated place, at the agreed time, well in advance (at least two hours before departure) with respect to the published boarding time. If the trip is booked through an agency or tour operator or other intermediary authorized by the Company, the passenger must ensure that the requests for special assistance that he or she needs are reported to the latter and that the requests, needs and specific needs represented are, through them, sent to the carrier at least 48 hours in advance. If the aforementioned notification is not made, the Company will in any case do everything possible to ensure that the assistance is provided in such a way that the person with disabilities or reduced mobility can get on the departing service or get off the incoming service for which he purchased. the ticket. In order to guarantee the best service, passengers with reduced mobility and / or who require special assistance, must present themselves for check-in operations at least two hours before departure. Where the passenger is "oxygen dependent" he will be required to procure the necessary and sufficient equipment for the duration of the entire crossing, as the oxygen on board the ships can only be used for emergencies. The boarding of a single portable regulator is allowed for the “dependent oxygen” passenger. As regards, instead, the embarkation of the cylinders intended for refilling, the authorization of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport - General Command - issued through the local Harbor Master's Office is required. Passengers must also present, for boarding, a medical certificate stating that they are fit to travel by sea in accordance with the procedures already indicated in this article.
The Commander has the right to refuse the passage to anyone who is, in the opinion of the company (carrier), in an altered physical or mental condition that does not allow him to undertake the journey, constituting a risk for his health and safety or for that of the passengers. and of the crew, for example, because it is dangerous for the other passengers and for himself due to drug abuse, hallucinogens, alcohol, illness or infirmity. In such cases, any liability of the carrier is excluded for any damage claimed for the refusal of passage by those who are in the conditions described and who will instead be considered responsible for any damage caused to the naval unit, to all its equipment and equipment, to third parties. , as well as to things of third parties. Any acceptance of the passenger on board by the commander shall not be considered as a waiver of any of his rights to subsequently assert his reservations on the conditions of the passenger, whether or not they were known by him at the time of boarding. and / or departure of the ship.
For pregnant women, in conditions of uncomplicated gestation, after the 6th month of pregnancy, the passenger must have a medical certificate issued no more than 7 days before departure certifying the suitability to face the voyage by sea, to be presented to the ship's officer upon request and a copy of which must be delivered to the Captain. In all other cases, the pregnant passenger must have a medical certificate authorizing the trip regardless of the month of gestation. However, the Commander's discretion to refuse the passage remains firm if he considers that the passenger is not in a position to undertake the journey, in order to protect her safety and health.
In compliance with the Law Decree n. 251 of 13/10/1999 in implementation of the EEC Directive 98/41 of 18/06/1998 and the regulations relating to the application of the ISPS code on anti-terrorism regulations, the following is communicated: all boarding passengers are required to communicate to the carrier any information relating to your need for special assistance care in emergency situations. All passengers, including minors, must present themselves for boarding with a valid identity document, if they do not have them, boarding will be denied. Passengers who require assistance for boarding (people with mobility difficulties, etc.) must communicate this when booking, by contacting the carrier in advance to find out about the availability of suitable accommodation and / or ease of access on board as per the previous article; they are also required to show up for boarding at least two hours in advance (see Article 15 of these General Travel / Transport conditions) highlighting this need to the dockside staff and / or on-board personnel in order to allow boarding. near suitable accesses to the ship and any assistance during embarkation and disembarkation operations. Passengers are also required to communicate their personal details, understood as: surname, first name, sex, nationality, age category (infant, child, boy, adult), date and place of birth, already during the booking phase. In the event of a change in the data highlighted above between the time of booking and the time of boarding, passengers are obliged to communicate said changes. In compliance with the ISPS international code relating to anti-terrorism regulations, passengers are informed that they are required to show a valid travel ticket and identity document if requested by a ship's officer. They are also required to consent to any inspection of their baggage if required. These checks can also be carried out by the port structures.
The carrier ensures that the data collection / processing activities, as well as the conservation of the same, strictly necessary for the purposes of the transport / travel services offered and purchased, will take place in compliance with the rules and precautions provided for the processing of personal data (GDPR on the subject of privacy - EU Regulation 2016/679). The same activities, where carried out by travel agencies and / or tour operators or authorized intermediaries, for the ticketing service, are carried out under their responsibility, within the limits and to the extent of their competence.
If the passenger finds a deficiency or irregularity in the service provided by the Company (Carrier), he can send any complaints and / or reports, in writing, by e-mail to info@gstravel.eu. The passenger must specify the personal details, the details of the trip and provide a detailed description of the disruption. The passenger can also report any malfunctions or inefficiencies of the service by letter to be sent to the address of the Company's administrative office: Guidotti Ships Srl - Port of Termoli, North - East pier (registered office). The passenger must submit the complaint within two months from the date on which the transport service was performed or should have been performed. Within one month, the Company will communicate the outcome of the complaint or the status of the same. In any case, the definitive outcome will be communicated within 2 months of receipt of the complaint.
The passenger transport contract, as well as the accompanying baggage, is governed, except as provided in these General Conditions of Transport / Travel, by Italian law, and in particular by the Navigation Code and by the Community Regulations in force. For any dispute originating from the interpretation and / or execution of this contract, the competent court is exclusively that of the Carrier's registered office. Moreover, in the case of a passenger who holds the status of consumer pursuant to the Italian legislation in force, the place of residence or domicile of the same will be exclusively competent, provided that the consumer is resident or domiciled in a Member State of the European Union.
These conditions of carriage, a copy of which can also be found on the carrier's website www.gstravel.eu, will be delivered in copy (possibly also electronically to the email address indicated by the customer) to the passenger, directly by the carrier, or by the agency or tour operator or other intermediary authorized by the Company, from which the ticket was purchased. These general conditions of transport / travel are understood to be accepted by the passenger at the time of purchasing the ticket, of which they form an integral part. All additions or changes to these General Conditions of Carriage / Travel will be made known and accessible by the Company by means of a notice displayed in the premises of the ship in the introduction, on the website, and will enter into force with the effective date indicated in this notice. Without prejudice to the carrier's information obligations regarding timetables, changes, cancellations, and any other information relating to travel and in general about all information contained in these General Travel / Transport Conditions, the Company is not responsible for any damage deriving from lack of information from part of the agencies, tour operators or other intermediaries authorized by the Company, where the ticket was purchased through them, required to fulfill their respective disclosure obligations, also pursuant to art. 38 of Legislative Decree 79/2011 (Tourism Code) and its amendments, and to promptly transmit any information (changes, cancellations, delays, etc.), communicated to them by the carrier, to customers / passengers as well as to transmit any communication ( variation, communication of impossibility / impediment, withdrawal or necessity requirement) sent to them by customers / passengers and intended for the Company.